About the Author
Dillon Foley
Producer of Dreams
Dillon Foley is an illustrator, web designer, videographer, voice actor, podcaster, and author of the Archives of Fabella series. Foley is a lifelong writer with a passion and bright imagination, which forms the solid foundation of this ambitious fantasy saga. Growing up in Montana, he now lives and works out of his home base in Salt Lake City, Utah.

– I sleep on the far right side of the bed leaving the left empty even though nobody is there.
– I always have a gallon of milk in the fridge and prefer it over wine, water, and soda.
– I have never been drunk. I don’t normally drink alcohol period. It’s not a religious thing, I just don’t like the taste and I get no enjoyment from it.
– I can write in complete silence, but I prefer to do my work with music or some other kind of white noise in the background.
Pet Peeves
– People who use a traffic lane as overflow for a drive thru. You’re blocking traffic.
– People misspelling my name as Dillion. I understand Dylan, Dilan, and Dylon, but where the hell does the second I come from?
– Movies that heap so much importance on one scene only for the rest of the film to suck. I’m looking at you podracing in Star Wars Episode I!
Writing Advice
– Just write.
– Most the advice you here is nothing more than guidelines. Few are rules that are essential to obey.
– Never delete anything. If it’s not working, just add it to the slush pile so you can maybe use it later.
– Food: Prime Rib
– Movie: Jurassic Park
– Drink: Milk
– Snack: Cheez-its
– “In spite of everything, I still believe that people are really good at heart.” – Anne Frank.
– “Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
– “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi