Age of Domination
The Age of Domination was a dark time in Fabella‘s history. Following their victory in First Continental War (CWI), the Bloodborne Empire gained complete control of Fabella. The world suffered under the Baltimore’s oppressive might. English became standard across the world. Anyone who didn’t speak it was severely punished. So many small rebellions cropped up in cities across the globe that there was at least one airship carrier over every major city.
5892 FY | 1892 AD
Taurus 11th | April 30th
The Empire Rules: The Bloodborne Empire formally took command of all Fabella. This day became known as “Imperial Day.” Emperor Chronos’ first decree was instituting reeducation camps infamous for brainwashing their prisoners. They did this to ensure compliance with the populace.
5897 FY | 1897 AD
Transfiguration Medallions – Imperial scientists developed transfiguration medallions as a means of infiltrating rebel cells to prevent insurgency.
5928 FY | 1928 AD
Afterlife Consultants – Afterlife consultants started to conduct screenings on the dead. The job of an afterlife consultant was to tell loved ones if their departed family members were in heaven or hell. They would also be called upon to provide guidance received from ones ancestors.
This profession was a huge scam. Consultants would accept monetary bribes from clients wanting to boast about their ancestor’s status in heaven. Those who wouldn’t pay out were constantly told their ancestors were in hell, and this greatly affected employment opportunities.
5934 FY | 1934 AD
Libra 6th | September 28th
The Bombing of Hercules: When Bastet and Thoth were rumored to be in Hercules, Emperor Chronos ordered that the city be bombed. The bombing of Hercules reduced the city to rubble. Over 1500 were reported dead. The event coincided with an assassination attempt on Emperor Chronos by Silas Kilgrave.