Chronos (kroh-nohs)


Lifetime: Unknown

Affiliation: Titans, Egyptian Gods, and Punt

Magic Status: Wizard

Chronos was the leader of the Titans, a evil group hellbent on world domination. The Alliance of Sentinels believed Chronos was the name of multiple generals in the Titan order. In fact they were all the same person. Chronos was able to use any body as a host through unspecified methods. His ultimate goal was to become a God. Gaining control of the time machine used by Stephanie and Tefnut was also a secondary core objective. As he passed from one body to the next Chronos was continually watchful for any oppotunity and strategizing his next move. 

His goal of becoming all powerful greatly centered on gaining control of Emit as a host. This continually pitted him against the faun to the point where he was Emit’s arch enemy. An endeavor he ultimately succeeded at, and lead to him becoming Emperor Chronos during the Age of Domination.


Dawn of Fabella

Chronos was the main villain of Dawn of Fabella. Emit (and the reader) was lead to believe it was Set, but he was always under Chronos’ control. Using Set as a host, he learned about Fabella and set out on a quest to 1) Obtain magic he witnessed being used by Stephanie and 2) Gain control of Emit to make himself an all powerful, indestructible God.

First he amassed an army and founded the dark empire of Punt to set up his conquest for world domination. It was here that he started Titans and anointed them to be his trusted followers. Tefnut appeared to him and volunteered to teach him magic, making her his indespensible second in command for the coming invasion.

Then he returned to Fabella to abduct Emit.  Chronos brought Emit back to Arentium where he could better study the fauns anatomy. Unfortunately, Thoth and Bastet thwarted his plan by rescuing Emit and spiriting him to Egypt.

Chronos waged war on Fabellan soil, leading his Titans to invade the world and subdue its citizens. Emit and the Alliance of Sentinels defied Chronos by spurring the Fabellan population in Kathara to fight back. But Chronos finally gained a mastery of magic, all he needed next was Emit.

When Emit tried to stop the Titans alone, Chronos captured him. He was moments from finally having the faun under his control, when Set unexpectedly regained consciousness over his body for a brief moment. As he struggled to maintain his hold on Set, Chronos lost Emit again.

As he searched for the missing faun, Chronos continued to drop children he fathered into a deep pit to their presumed deaths. When Emit resurfaced again after a twenty year absence, Chronos launched an attack on the Fantasia Republic. Emit and Chronos faced off against each other, but — ironically — it was one of Chronos’ sons, Zeus, who brought down a memorial on him.

Chronos was forced to flee Set’s broken, dead, body as it was no longer a suitable host. With his Titan order in shambles, he returned to Punt to plan his next move.


In 2025, Chronos saw his chance at obtaining the time machine. Believing a young and inexperienced Stephanie LaFleur to have posession of the device, he posed as a boy from school — Cameron Sampson — to get her alone at a party where he hoped to at the very least convert her to a host. His plan was once again thwarted by Thoth who showed up to rescue Stephanie at the house party. Even with his men posing as police officers under his command, Chronos was unable to stop Thoth and Stephanie from fleeing through time.



It was unclear how Chronos took over bodies as his host. The host’s brain activity was greatly inhibited. Typical hallmarks of a host consisted of brusing around the eyes and throbbing veins in the forehead. These grew more pronounced the longer a host remained under Chronos’ control. Chronos had a physical tic causing him to jerk his head violently. A host could only reclaim control over their body during periods of extreme emotion, usually fear and love. 



Set was a big, brutish, juggernaut of a man even before Chronos took posession of him. Under his control Set became King of the Egyptian Gods and a powerful force of vengeance to be reckoned with. Set’s intense fear of fire caused him to regain control over Chronos in rare circumstances. Out of all the hosts, Set was the one posessed by Chronos for the longest time. 



Emit “Emperor Chronos”

In the podcast episode “New World Order” it was revealed that Emit was “Emperor Chronos” or “The Emperor.” How a hero like Emit fell under the the control of Chronos was not elaborated upon.

Cameron Sampson

Admitedly, Cameron Sampson wasn’t a host of any importance. Chronos’ only goal in using the boy as a host was to get Stephanie LaFleur alone. He was able to do this with mixed results and abandoned Cameron’s body at the earliest possible convenience.