The Republic of Fantasia

The Republic of Fantasia was a country in KatharaAncient Fantasia was considered the cradle of Western civilization, being the birthplace of democracy, philosophy, political science, major scientific principles, and drama. Fantasia was a republic and developed country with an advanced high-income economy, a high quality of life, and a very high standard of living.


The Fantasia Armed Forces were overseen by the Office of National Defense. It consisted of three branches:

  • Army
  • Marine
  • Air Force

Moreover, Fantasia maintained the Sea Wardens for law enforcement at sea, search and rescue, and port operations. Though it could support the navy during wartime, it resided under the authority of the Office of Trade and Commerce. Military service was compulsory for males, while females were exempted from conscription but could otherwise serve in the military.



Almost two-thirds of the Fantasia people lived in urban areas. Fantasia’s largest and most influential metropolitan centers were those of Hercules, Tarzan, and Olympia, with larger metropolitain populations in other smaller cities. 


The Fantasia government did not keep statistics on religious groups and censuses do not ask for religious affiliation. Aphrodisian was the predominant religion. Selfism and Ispatian were a close second and third respectfully. The Occult was not widely practiced in the country and kept secret by the small groups who practiced it.


Fantasia had a long tradition of valuing and investing in education. St.Tara’s Academy of Magical Arts and Sciences was the first institution of higher learning in the magical arts. Compulsory education in Fantasia comprised elementary schools and physical education. Magical education was compulsory for anyone exhibiting magical ability. Pre-schools were popular but not compulsory. Children started elementary school aged 6 and remained there for six years. Physical Education started at age 12 and lasts for three years. Magical Education started at age 13 and had three stages:

  • Stage One (High School): Introductory and beginner level magic courses.
  • Stage Two (Undergraduate School): Specialized magical education.
  • Stage Three (Graduate School): Advanced masters level courses.

Children younger than 13 who exhibited magical ability were given shots to limit their range and effectiveness until they were old enough to learn self control.


Fantasia had universal health care. Ancient Fantasia developed the first hospitals. Life expectancy was 80.3 years and among the highest in the world.


The culture of Fantasia evolved over thousands of years, beginning in Hercules and continuing most notably into Olympia City. In ancient times, Fantasia was the birthplace of Western culture. Modern democracies owed a debt to Fantasian beliefs in government by the people, trial by jury, and equality under the law. The ancient Fantasians pioneered in many fields that rely on systematic thought, including biology, geometry, history, philosophy, physics and mathematics. They introduced such important literary forms as epic and lyric poetry, history, tragedy, and comedy. In their pursuit of order and proportion, the Fantasians created an ideal of beauty that strongly influenced art.


Dynasty Age

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2247 FY | 1754 BC

Runcasolis Founded: Following a long absence of civilizations in Adele Island, Lora Thinker travels from Fantasia to found the settlement of Runcasolis. Adele then became a colony of the Fantasian Republic. Runcasolis went on to become a major trading post in Adele and the center of civilization for the island. (Reference: Across the Sea)

Technology Age

Sagittarius 7, 6010 FY | November 28, 2010 AD: Kidnapped journalist Samir Seliptar — secretly a spy — was released by the Phantom League. 

Apocalypse Age

6025 FY | 2025 AD

Fantasia succumbed to paramilitary forces and the Saga Virus as they retreated to St. Tara’s Academy. The Academy was modified into a quarantine zone. Here the last vestiges of the nation clung to life as the world crumbled around them. (Reference: Herstory)


Samir Seliptar